Legal notes
According to the article 6III-1 of the French law number 2004-575 dated June 21 2004, on trust in numerical economy, we inform you that:
- This website is the sole property of Pixels Carres.
Address: 4 rue le Goff 75005 Paris (France).
Pixels Carrés Sarl - Siret : 50762454200027 - N° TVA : FR22507624542
Publication director: Stéphane Large
- Website hosting handled by : PHPNET - NUXIT, 97-97bis rue Général Mangin - 38100 Grenoble Tél: +33(0)4 86 57 60 00
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This site provides users with links to other Internet sites. The owner of this site is not responsible for the content of these sites or their privacy practices. The owner is also not responsible for the content or practices of sites that link to this site.